
时间:2022-08-13 10:55:04 公文范文 浏览次数:




 英语演讲稿:垃圾分类,改善环境 classifying rubbish , improving environment good morning, respectable judges, teachers. today, standing here makes me feel really honored and excited. the title of my spee c ch is class i ifying rubb i ish , impro v ving enviro n nment.

 per s sonally, ru b bbish has b e een a big h e eadache in b beijing. as

  the year X X X is coming

  ,every cit i izen has re a alized gree n n beijing a n nd green ol y ympics will

  bring the f far-reachin g g impact on

  beijing an d d even all c china . the

  scense of r rubbish nea r rly everywh e ere has giv e en all of u s s a really b bad impress i ion, and i" m m sure none

  of us wish

  to show of f f the bad s i ide of beij i ing to athl e etes and jo u urnalists a l ll over the

  world, for

  it would b l lemish the c city"s and e even china" s s image and

  leave a ba d d reputatio n n. so we re a ally have t o o work hard

  on green o l lympics.

 n o ow, we are m middle scho o ol students . . we must i m mprove the s sense of pr o otecting th e e environme n nt and make

  a contribu t tion to gre e en olympics


 in our l life, a lot

  of rubbish

  , such as w waste paper , , plastic b o ottles ,bat t teries and s so on , is p produced ev e ery day . a f fter we lea r rnt the pas s sage make o u ur environm e ent more be a autiful , w e e found a l o ot

 of rubbi s sh thrown i n nto dustbin s s could be r recycled in

  fact durin g g our discu s ssion. so w e e thought i t t would be b better if w e e could cla s ssify rubbi s sh . we tol d d our idea t to our teac h her and he s supported u s s very much

  . we becam e e volunteer s s to classi f fy rubbish . . firstly w e e got three

  big boxes a and put the m m in a corn e er of our c l lassroom . o one is for w waste paper

  , one for p plastics an d d coke cans

  and the ot h her is for b batteries .

  with teach e er"s help , s soon all th e e students t took part i n n the activ i ity of clas s sifying rub b bish .in a m month , we c collected t h hree boxes o of paper , a a box of ba t tteries and

  a box of p l lastics and

  coke cans . .we sold th e em for 28 y u uan and bou g ght some yo u ung trees w i ith the mon e ey . we pla n nted the tr e ees around o our school . . we were a l ll spoken h i ighly of by

  our school

  principals . . now we ke e ep on the j o ob and are a all proud o f f improving

  environmen t t .

 the wo r rld trusts b beijing .be i ijing still

  has a lot t to do to re a ach the lev e el the worl d d expects, b but we have

  the confid e ence to mak e e beijing a

  green city . . great cha n nges are ta k king place,

  and not fa r r in the fu t ture, beiji n ng will be t the focus o f f all world s s" attentio n n. we"ll gr a asp the opp o ortunity an d d do our be s st to make t the

 sky blu e er, water g r reener and a air fresher

  by the yea r r XX.

 let" s s all wish t the best fo r r the XX ol y ympics in b e eijing. tha n nks for you r r listening . .

 垃圾分类,改善环 境 境 尊敬的评委、老师们 , ,你们好!有幸站在这里 , ,我感到是一种荣耀,我 此 此时的心情非常激动。我 演 演讲的题目是:垃圾分类 , ,改善环境!

 应该说 垃 垃圾问题一直是困扰我们 的 的一大难题。随着 XX 年 的 的临近,每一个市民都深 切 切地意识到"绿色北京, 绿 绿色奥运"对北京乃至中 国 国将有着多么深远的影响 !

 !几乎到处是垃圾的情景 早 早就给我们留下了深刻的 印 印象。我相信没有一个中 国 国人愿意把北京不好的印 象 象留给来自世界各地的参 赛 赛队员和新闻记者,因为 它 它会严重损坏北京乃至中 国 国的形象和声誉。所以, 我 我们必须致力于建设绿色 奥 奥运这一目标。

 我们 现 现在是中学生。我们必须 提 提高我们保护环境的意识 , ,从现在做起,为 XX 年 绿 绿色奥运做出我们的贡献 。


 在我们的生活中, 每 每天都要产生大量的垃圾 象 象废纸,塑料瓶,可乐罐 , ,电池等等。

 在我们学 习 习 "美化环境"这篇课 文 文时,我和几个同学在讨 论 论时发现许多扔进垃圾桶 里 里面的垃圾实际上是可以 回 回收的。

 所以我们就想 如 如果能把垃圾进行分类就 太 太好了。我们把想法告诉 了 了班主任并受到了老师的 大 大力支持 . 于是我们 几 几个成了垃圾分类的志愿 者 者。首先我们找来三个大 箱 箱子,把他们放在教室的 一 一个角落里。一个用来装 废 废

 纸,一个用来放塑料制 品 品和可乐罐,还有一个用 来 来收集旧电池。在老师的 帮 帮助下,很快全班同学都 加 加入到垃圾分类的活动中 来 来。


推荐访问:英语演讲稿-垃圾分类,改善环境 英语 演讲稿 改善
